Thursday, May 14, 2009

First Post

Before we start I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself, and what this blog is going to be about.

This is my standard bio:

Adam Wieland was born on Easter Sunday, 1981, in Rockingham, Western Australia. Adam writes mainly in the Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror genres. He completed a Media Studies degree at Edith Cowan University in 2002. One of his short stories, "The Border" was published online by "The Murder Hole" E-Zine the same year. Since then he has had a story published in Shadowed Realms that was nominated for a Tin Duck (for best West-Australian speculative fiction) and a story in the first issue of ‘Short Stories Australia’ magazine. Last year he released a chapbook of his first chapbook of poetry, 'A Medley.'

This blog is the most important of my many 'homes' on the web, for this is where I intend to write and post the most content. This blog will cover a number of areas:

1) My Work - Which will consist of updates and the latest news, plus the struggles and successes of being a writer. Interesting reading for other writers and for readers as I document my works-in-progress on a fairly regular basis. Word counts. Problems etc

2) Reviews - Books, Film, Music. Hopefully I can introduce you to something or someone that adds to your life.

3) Thoughts on writing / book industry

And more. It is hard at this early stage to say what this blog is going to become, and I don't want to limit it to the above and nothing else. All I hope is that you find it both interesting and enjoyable enough to return to on a regular basis, and maybe, if you haven't already done so, more inclined to seek out and read my work. Please feel free to comment on my posts


Adam Wieland